Expresiones y frases para uso diario en Inglés – Lección 2
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Ya tenemos una lista de episodios en InglesTotal en donde vemos algunas expresiones idiomáticas relacionada a temas (VER AQUI). Vamos a presentar 20 nuevas frases con traducción, ejemplos y significados en inglés. Sigan el audio para tener una mejor experiencia y aprender la pronunciación. Al final de esta publicación incluiremos una practica y una lectura con las frases aprendidas
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Expresiones y frases para uso Diario – Lección 2
Recuerden de seguir esta lección con el audio que encuentran al comienzo en el reproductor. Les dejamos las frases y expresiones de esta lección.
1. At first(inicialmente): initially; in the beginning
She was afraid of dogs at first. Now she loves them.
They didn’t like cheese at first.
A: Do you like studying English?
B: At first I thought it was boring, but now I like it.
2. At last (finalmente / por fin): finally, in the end
After many years of war, there was peace at last.
Robinson Crusoe was home at last.
A: Did you finish cleaning your room?
B: Yes!After two hours of cleaning I finished at last.
3. At least (por lo menos): not less than
You need to stay in bed for at least three days.
Most people have been in love at least once.
A: How many times have you been to the ocean?
B: I’ve been there at least six times, maybe more.
4. At once (a la vez): immediately; right away
When we heard the fire alarm, we left at once.
She went to her sick mother at once.
A: Can I give you the money next week?
B: No! I need it at once!
5. At the top (en la parte de arriba): at the highest part of
I saw a flag at the top of the building.
He was standing at the top of the stairs.
A: What’s at the top of the mountain?
B: There’s a place to sit down and have some water.
6. be about to (estar por hacer algo): be almost doing; be just going to
He was about to fall asleep when the telephone rang.
Look at the dark clouds. It is about to rain.
A: Why didn’t you go in the water?
B: I was about to go in, but then I saw a jellyfish and ran away
7. be absent from (estar ausente): is missing from; be away from
Mr. Jones was absent from the meeting.
Our teacher is absent from school today because
she is getting married.
A: Why were you absent from school yesterday?
B: I was sick, so I had to stay home.
8. be afraid of (tener miedo): have fear of; be fearful of
Children are afraid of the dark.
The bird was afraid of flying at first.
A: Why don’t you like fishing?
B: I’m afraid of the water.
9. be angry with (estar molesto): be upset with; be mad at
Cain was very angry with his brother, Abel.
The police officer was angry with the drunk driver.
A: Why was the teacher angry with the class?
B: None of the students read the book.
10. be anxious about (estar ansioso / nervioso): be nervous about; be worried about
The president was anxious about meeting the reporters.
Mr. Gates was anxious about the job interview.
A: Are you anxious about going to the dentist?
B: Yes!I don’t like going to the dentist. It makes me nervous.
11. be anxious to (querer algo intensamente): want strongly; be eager to be; be keen to; would love to
The students are anxious to know the answer.
When we saw the dark clouds, we were anxious to get
A: I’m anxious to go to the amusement park this weekend.
B: Me too. It’s going to be fun!
12. be covered with (estar cubierto): have a lot on the surface
My desk is covered with papers.
The ground was covered with snow.
A: Do you like cake?
B: Yes, especially if it’s covered with frosting!
13. be crowded with (teer muchas cosas en un solo lugar): be full of; be packed with
The subway was crowded with people.
The shelf was crowded with books.
A: Why is this store so crowded with people?
B: It’s crowded because there’s a big sale today.
14. be different from (ser diferente a): not be the same as; differ from
My dog is different from yours.
Canadians are different from Americans in many ways.
A: Is Korean food different from Chinese food?
B: Yes. Korean food is much spicier.
15. be disappointed with (estar decepcionado de algo):be unhappy with
The teacher was disappointed with my low grade.
When we lost the game, the coach was disappointed
with my team.
A: I’m disappointed with my test score.
B: Me too. I only got a 64.
16. be divided into (estar dividido en): be separated into; be split into
The essay was divided into three parts.
The money was divided into three bags.
A: The pizza is divided into eight pieces.
B: Great! There are eight
17. be dressed un (estar vestido): to wear
The prince was dressed in fine clothes.
The bride was dressed in a white gown.
A: Why are you dressed in your winter coat?
B: I’m going to buy some ice cream.
18. be excited about (estar emocionado de algo): look forward to, be happy about
The fans were excited about the game.
The children were excited about going to the zoo.
A: I’m excited about the party on Friday.
B: Me too. I love birthday parties.
19. be familiar with (conocer algo bien): be used to
She is familiar with Russian culture.
I am not familiar with this brand of computer.
A: Do you know where the post office is?
B: No, I don’t. Let’s ask someone who’s familiar with
this part of town.
20. be famous for (ser conocido): be well known for
Thomas Edison is famous for his inventions.
Shakespeare is famous for his plays.
A: What shall we order to eat?
B: I’d like to order pizza. This restaurant is famous for it.
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