
Expresiones para uso diario en Inglés – Lección 1

Expresiones para uso diario en Inglés – Lección 1 #36

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Expresiones para uso Diario – Lección 1

Hoy iniciamos nuestras 15 lecciones para aprender frases y/o expresiones comunes que forman parte de expresiones comunes que usamos a diario. Cada lección contiene 20 expresiones y están organizadas alfabéticamente.
En la primera parte definimos la expresión y explicamos en inglés y en español el uso y significado de cada uno. Después de cada definición daremos unos ejemplos de dicha expresión en una oración. Al final dejaremos una lectura que reúne todas las expresiones para que puedan practicar. Recuerden de usar el AUDIO en la parte superior para seguir la lección.


1. A couple of (un par de): two persons and things joined o related in some way.

He arrived a couple of days ago.
Jhon has a couple of pens in his pockets.

A: Have you ever been to Spain?
B: Yes, a couple of times.

2. A long time ago (hace mucho): once upon a time, ages ago, long ago, many years ago

A long time ago, there was a mall at the corner.
My mother was a salesperson a long time ago

A: When did you travel to Japan?
B: I went there a long time ago.

3. A lot of (mucho): a large amount or number of; lots of.

A rich person has a lot of money.
A lot of people have the Coronavirus in my town.

A: Why does your brother have a stomachache?
B: It is because he ate a lot of chocolate.

4. A pair of (un par de, de la misma clase ): two things of the same kind used together

He needs to buy a pair of socks

A: What are you going to buy?
B: I am going to buy a pair of earrings.

5. Above all [else] (sobre todo, por encima de todo): most importantly; most of all

Above all, you should obey your parents.
Above all, a soldier must be brave.

A: Did you like that book? Why?
B: It was interesting, but above all, it was funny.

6. According to (de acuerdo con ): as shown or said by

According to this book, elephants are endangered.
According to your mother, playing video games more than 2 hours is bad for you.

A: Where are we?
B: According to this map we are close to Brian´s house.

7. After all (despues de todo, al final ): in spite of what was expected; in the end; nevertheless

He stayed with his girlfriend after all.
The small country won the battle after all.

A: Who were you talking to?
B: I thought it was someone from University but it wasn´t her after all.

8. Again and again (usualmente, repetidamente ): often, over and over again.

While babies learn to walk they fall again and again.
My son loves to hear the same story again and again before he goes to bed.

A: This game is addictive.
B: I know. I want to play it again and again.

9. Agree with (estar de acuerdo con ): to have the same opinion as; share one´s view.

My friend agreed with me.
Do you agree with the teacher?

A: I loved the move.
B: Umm. Sorry. I don´t agree with you.

10. All of a sudden (de pronto ): without warning; all at once; suddenly

All of a sudden, it began raining.
All of a sudden, the woman started screaming

A: What happened?
B: I was riding my bike and all of a sudden a dog  attacked me.

11. All over the world (en todo lugar; por todo sitio): everywhere; throughout the world

English is spoken all over the world.
Soccer is famous all over the world.

A: I wish I could travel all over the world.
B: That would be fun!

12. All the time (siempre): Always; constantly

That boy is playing the guitar all the time.
I chew gum all the time.

A: He looks worried.
B: I know. He looks that was all the time.

13. All the way (todo el camino / el trayecto): the whole distance; the whole way.

The car broke down and we had to walk all the way home.
Sue was late. She ran all the way to school.

A: Can you run all the way around the park?

14. And so on (etcétera): and so forth

Potatoes, onions, carrots and so on are vegetables.

A: What food does your pet snake eat?
B: Small animals like mice, frogs, lizards and so on.

15. Arrive at/in (llegar): get to, come; reach

We arrived at the restaurant at 6pm.

A: When will they get there?
B: They should arrive at the airport around 11pm.

16. As a result (por ende; como resultado): so; consequently

He studied hard. As a result, she passed the test and got an A.

A: Did you study?
B: No, and as a result, I got a bad grade.

17. As well as (así como; también): in addition to

I play soccer on weekdays as well as on Sundays.

A: What do you want to eat?
B: I would like a hamburger as well as some ice cream.

18. Ask for (pedir): request; wish for

Piero asked for a Nintendo for his birthday.

A: What did you ask for Christman?
B: I asked for a bike.

19. At a time (A la vez): at one time; at once; at the same time

The elevator holds 5 people at a time.

A: Can you help me with those boxes.
B: They are heavy so let´s move them at a time.

20. At any time. (en cualquier momento): at any moment; any time

That pharmacy is open 24 hours a day. You can go at any time.
People can call the police at any time.

A: Can I visit you on Saturday.
B: I will be home all day. You can come at any time.




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