Vocabulario Coronavirus en Inglés Episodio #32
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Gracias por visitar InglesAudio que cuenta con todo el respaldo de www.inglestotal.com. En este episodio 32 de nuestro curso de inglés por REDES como Whatsapp y TELEGRAM. En este episodio respondemos una pregunta de Argentina donde vamos a enseñar vocabulario del coronavirus en Inglés. Para poder acceder a todos nuestros episodios deben de ir al MENU AQUÍ. Usted puede participar con sus preguntas agregando el número +51997746013 (no olvidar el ‘+’) y de ahí con aprobación del administrador, usted será agregado a la lista de distribución y podrá mandar sus preguntas para futuros episodios.
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English Vocabulary: Covid-19 Virus
El coronavirus se ha extendido por todo el mundo, y la Organización Mundial de la Salud ha dicho que el mundo está ahora en un territorio desconocido (nunca hemos estado aquí antes). ¿Cómo puede hablar sobre esta enfermedad en inglés? ¿Y qué vocabulario necesita para hablar sobre prevención, recuperación y el impacto del virus en la economía mundial?
Aquí hay un vocabulario de coronavirus en inglés útil para usted. Las palabras nuevas están en negrita, con una definición después de la palabra.
What is the coronavirus?
The coronavirus is a kind of virus that can be transmitted (spread) between animals and humans. The outbreak (start and spread of an illness) of this particular coronavirus (Covid-19) has been traced back (found to originate) to a market in Wuhan, China. Although the authorities did everything they could to control the spread of the virus, there has now been widespread infection all over the world. The World Health Organisation are avoiding the word pandemic (a global epidemic), but the virus has infected thousands of people.
– to transmit: transmitir
– Outbreak: brote
– to trace back: rastrear
– control the spread: controlar la propagación
– widespread infection: infeccion generalizada
– pandemic: pandemia
– to infect: infectar
How can you prevent infection?
Somebody can be contagious (able to infect you) without showing any symptoms (signs) – for up to two weeks. The best thing you can do to prevent the spead of infection is to wash your hands thoroughly in soap and water, making sure to clean your nails and in between your fingers.
If you don’t have access to soap and water, use a hand sanitiser (an antibacterial gel). As well as washing your hands regularly, avoid people who are sneezing (a typical sign of a cold) and coughing (what you do to clear your throat). You should cover your nose and mouth if you sneeze / cough. You should also avoid close contact with people in general. (No hand-shaking!)
– contagious: contagioso
– symptoms síntomas
– wash your hands: lavarse las manos
– thoroughly: a fondo
– hand sanitizer: antibacterial
– to sneeze: estornudar
– to cough: toser
– hand-shaking: dar la mano
Can you recover from the illness?
The coronavirus can cause mild (not strong) illness, like when you have a cold, and most people make a full recovery (get better). However, the coronavirus is more serious for people with respiratory illnesses (problems with lungs and breathing, etc) or with serious underlying conditions (serious illnesses that you already have).
If you contract the disease (get the disease) or show symptoms like shortness of breath (when it’s difficult to breathe), a fever (high temperature) or a bad cough, you should call the health authorities.
– mild: leve
– to make a full recovery: recuperarse completamente
– respiratory illnesses: enfermedades respiratorias
– serious underlying conditions: condiciones pre-existentes
– contract the disease: contraer la enfermedad
– shortness of breath: dificultad para respirar
– a fever: una fiebre
What are the governments doing?
Most governments advise anyone who tests positive (takes a test to be sure they have the virus) to self-isolate. This means to stay at home for at least two weeks. This is similar to a state of quarantine, where you can’t leave a place for a number of days. The Chinese authorities tried to stop the spread of the virus by putting entire cities on lockdown. (If a city is locked down, nobody can go in or go out.)
Many airlines have suspended flights (stopped flights) to places with severe outbreaks of the virus, such as China, Korea, Iran and Italy. In other countries, the authorities have banned large-scale public events (made it illegal for people to gather in public in large numbers). For example, football matches and trade conferences have been cancelled, and schools closed.
– to test positive: salir positivo
– self-isolate: aislarse por cuenta propia
– quarantine: cuarentena
– lockdown: cierre de emergencia
– suspended flights: vuelos suspendidos
– banned large-scale public events: prohibición de eventos masivos
What is the impact of the coronavirus?
Because so many cities were quarantined in China, manufacturing industries have been affected. This affects industries in other countries which rely on Chinese factories for their supply chains.
On top of that, when companies make less money, their share price falls, as investors sell their shares and invest in safer places, like government bonds.
As people become sick and take time off work, productivity also suffers. People may also feel worried about catching the virus, so they don’t go shopping, or to restaurants therefore, the coronavirus also affects the hospitality sector (restaurants and hotels), the airline industry and retailers (shops).
– manufacturing industries: industrias manufactureras
– supply chains: cadena de suministros
– share price falls: caída del precio de las acciones
– government bonds: bonos del gobierno
– hospitality sector: restaurantes y hoteles
– airlane industry: industria aerea
– retailers: tienda que vende al por menor
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