Verbos y preposiciones y Phrasal Verbs- Episodio 46 – Clases de Inglés gratis por Redes
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Hoy vamos a hablar de un tema que trae mucha confusión en los alumnos. Se trata de los verbos preposicionales o también llamados en inglés preposition combination verbs o prepositional verbs y los famosos phrasal verbs. Solo haremos una breve introducción al tema. Sigan la clase con audio dándole clic a play en el reproductor al comienzo de esta publicación.
Preposition Combinations
Let’s begin by exploring verb and preposition combinations. These are constructions where a verb is accompanied by a preposition to convey a specific meaning. The preposition often provides context or direction to the action of the verb. The meaning of the prepositional verb is similar to the meaning of the root or the main verb.
Talk about
- Example: We need to talk about our future plans.
Explanation: “About” adds context to the verb “talk,” focusing the conversation on a particular topic.
Think about/of
- Example: Maria often thinks about her future career.
- Explanation: In this instance, “think about” is a preposition combination, where “about” adds detail to the action, specifying what Maria is contemplating.
*** En otras palabras, la preposición no altera el significado del verbo. Es como su acompañamiento.
Mas Ejemplos de Preposition Combinations
- Believe in
- Example: I believe in the power of positive thinking.
- Explanation: To have faith or trust in the existence or effectiveness of something.
- Arrive at
- Example: We will arrive at the airport around noon.
- Explanation: To reach or come to a specific destination.
- Talk to
- Example: Can I talk to you about a personal matter?
- Explanation: To communicate with someone in a conversation.
- Agree with
- Example: I completely agree with your opinion on that matter.
- Explanation: To have the same opinion or to be in harmony with someone.
- Wait for
- Example: We’ll wait for you at the entrance of the museum.
- Explanation: The preposition combination “wait for” tells us where the waiting will occur – at the entrance of the museum.
- Depend on
- Example: The success of the project depends on everyone’s contribution.
- Explanation: To rely on or be influenced by something.
- Listen to
- Example: I love listening to classical music.
- Explanation: To pay attention to and hear sounds or music.
- Write to
- Example: I will write to you soon.
- Explanation: To send a written message to someone.
- Concentrate on
- Example: Please concentrate on your studies.
- Explanation: To focus attention or effort on a specific task or activity.
- Apply for
- Example: I plan to apply for a scholarship.
- Explanation: To submit an application or request for something.
Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs: Phrasal verbs, on the other hand, are combinations of verbs with one or more particles, often prepositions or adverbs. These combinations create a new, idiomatic meaning that may not be immediately apparent from the individual words.
Take off:
- Example: The plane will take off in ten minutes.
- Explanation: “Take off” in this context means the departure of the plane and cannot be interpreted by understanding “take” and “off” independently.
- Break up:
- Example: After years of dating, they decided to break up.
- Explanation: “Break up” denotes the end of a relationship, illustrating how the combination creates a distinct meaning.
- Look up
- Example: I’ll look up that new word in the dictionary.
- Explanation: In this case, “look up” is a phrasal verb, where the combination has a specific, idiomatic meaning of searching for information.
*** En otras palabras, las particulas alteran el significado del verbo raíz
Mas Ejemplos de Phrasal Verbs
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